How Can You Tell If Graphic Designers Near Me Are The Right Fit | 7 Tips

It can be difficult to determine exactly what you need if you are unfamiliar with the field of graphic design. What is a fair price? Which features should you look for? What are realistic time frames? Despite the fact that these questions appear straightforward, there is more gray area than you might think. Since every graphic design situation is unique, finding graphic designers near me suited to your needs is the key.

Let’s walk through 7 ways to find a graphic designer near me best suited to your project. 

Attract The Right Graphic Designers Near Me

In order to ensure success, it is crucial that you have enough background information and context for the designers you intend to hire. Your creative brief should include information about your company, project objectives, and the qualifications you’re looking for. If you explain deadlines and potential obstacles upfront in your graphic design job description, candidates will have a better understanding of the project requirements and will know if they can meet them before submitting a proposal. The designer you choose should align with your vision for time and budget. 

Know What Types of Skills To Look For

To be able to review proposals effectively, you need to have a basic understanding of the design world and what type of skills are required. Do they use stock images, or do they take their own photos? Is the artwork created with Adobe Illustrator or Visual Studio? When these questions are prepared in advance, the interview process will run smoothly with minimum hiccups. 

See How Candidates Think On Their Feet

As part of the interview process, you can also narrow down graphic design candidates by asking unexpected questions. Consider asking applicants to critique a competitor’s design and explain how they would improve it. The answers will give you an idea of a candidate’s abilities, and how they are presented will give you an idea of their creative process. In this case, the purpose is to see how well each candidate handles the unknown and thinks about things on the spot.

Don’t Rely On Portfolios Alone

You should not choose graphic designers based solely on their portfolios if you are looking for agency work. Ask the candidates what their portfolio designs were inspired by. By learning how the designer works creatively, you will also learn how you can complement their inspiration if you decide to work together. A designer’s portfolio may include pieces they created solely for their own enjoyment or client pieces. When you understand the intention behind a designer’s work, you can more clearly understand how you might be able to collaborate.

Consider a Trial Project to Start

an example of some work from graphic designers near me courtesy of ADVAN design

It is a great idea to offer a short sample project that would only take a few hours to complete to narrow down your field of graphic design candidates. The task does not necessarily have to be difficult as long as it showcases the applicants’ talent. For example, a simple logo can be designed or an older project that can be touched up are good options. The candidate should, of course, be compensated for the trial project.

Request a Short Video Chat Interview

Without being able to see someone’s expressions or read their body language, it can be difficult to figure out who they are. Use a video service like Zoom instead of conducting interviews over the phone. You’ll develop a better sense of the candidate, and they’ll be able to describe their previous experiences in a more creative way. The fact that assignments require sharing concepts in this way anyway makes video conferencing an excellent tool for gauging what it will be like to work with each candidate.

Ask What Will Be Required From You

In the end, you are the one who needs graphic design services, which makes it your responsibility to help your designer do their best. It is important to understand your designer’s needs in order to avoid any confusion. Documentation, proofreading, or time-sensitive tasks like briefings and feedback are some examples of things your designer may need help with. Also, you can discuss freedom, flexibility, and other virtue-based requirements with the designer so that you get the best results.

Explain Your Brand and Target Audience Clearly

While you know exactly what your company does and why it is different from others, your candidates do not have the same familiarity. Without a clear understanding of your business, your brand, and the audience you’re trying to reach, it’s nearly impossible for an artist to design anything. Your final candidates should have a deep understanding of your company’s brand and how it relates to consumers.