Resource Utilization Software

Lowering Costs with Resource Utilization Software

Adatavis TourTools is a package tour software created with the intention of reducing operation costs and improving profits for tour operation businesses fte calculation in project management
. TourTools makes package management and communications much simpler for both travelers and vendors; in addition, TourTools makes a substantial improvement for the efficiency and organization of your staff. This package tour software also lowers the time and cost to operate your tour business, and furthermore, it removes the risk of costly errors. Errors such as lost deposits, overlooked refunds and missing commissions can keep your company from maximizing its revenue. Package tour businesses everywhere could benefit from the many advantages offered through Adatavis TourTools. employee utilization software

The Complete Package | Adatavis TourTools

Adatavis TourTools is designed to make tour package management and organization simple and efficient. It will support any number of customer choices per tour departure, and TourTools makes building and pricing these tour packages a breeze. Tour packages can be built in minutes, and they can be duplicated in seconds. In-depth proposals can also be produced in no time at all, regardless of the option variety tour groups request. The TourTools package tour software program facilitates a smooth process and creates a pleasurable experience for the tour operator and the customer; the many modules within the Adatavis TourTools package provides a massive list of options for tour operators and their customers.

TourTools’ Many Modules | Package Tour Software

Adatavis TourTools includes nine modules in the software package. Each of these modules provides many utilities for tour operators and their customers. First and foremost, the TourTools System Module is especially easy to use. This module automates every tour operation task in the office, allowing aspects such as company-wide deadline management, multiple security levels and organization of hundreds of documents. Find the best utilization management software.

The second module is TourTools Online. This is a module that allows tour operators to add customer services such as online booking and reservations to their website. This will greatly decrease operating costs and provide all customer needs through your personal website. TourTools Online includes the following:

  • Changing Passenger Names
  • Requests for Changes or Cancellations
  • Requests for Information or Brochures
  • Online Tour Schedules and Itineraries
  • Availability and Pricing
  • Create Bookings with Deposits

TourTools Online is pivotal to the overall TourTools experience. It creates a multitude of benefits for both the operators and the customers.

Lastly, a crucial module of the group is the Master Module. This module will allow you to create financial reports that include profit or loss for each individual tour, and it also includes the following:

  • Defining and Enforcing Policies
  • Inventory Management
  • Staff Sales Tools
  • Designation of Departure Schedules
  • Group Leader Links
  • Management of Bus Seat Charts

Adatavis TourTools is the best package tour software program. Its back-end tour management system, designed to provide reliable analysis of tracking, reporting and operations, is perfect for any business owner attempting to increase profits and customer satisfaction. Installing TourTools could possibly be the best decision for your tour-booking business.